Wednesday 31 July 2013

What a good idea: Picnic for a pound

. . . or as Beth calls it, P4P.

The inspiration for this came from our Facebook group, Responsible Frugality (name is due for a change) which started when we were doing Living Below The Line.  Several others also then did LBTL and at the end people wanted the group to continue, so we did!  (find us and ask to join - it's an open group)!  

We have an August 'event' - 

The rules:
1) Organise a bring and share picnic. It could be an extended family gathering, a toddler group outing, something private, something more open... you decide.  If the weather is bad, it could be an indoor picnic instead! 2) Bring along food to the value of £1 PER FAMILY, so a multipack of crisps, a baking of scones, half a loaf worth of sandwiches, some squash... whatever you decide.3) Bring at least one item for the local food bank- may be worth contacting them to find out what they especially need. You can bring more than one item, of course, the more the better!  You could work out roughly how much you would normally spend on a picnic and donate the rest in food.4) Share what you have brought along! And afterwards, someone takes the donations down to the food bank. 

We're having one.  Others are organising a P4P too - why don't you?  Wouldn't it be great if this idea took off and there were P4Ps all over the country this summer?  

And when the weather closes in, have a P4P (Party for a Pound) instead!!

Mind you, the way prices are going up, it might soon have to be Picnic for £1.50, which doesn't have the same resonance about it at all, does it?

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